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Elements Series - Earth 🜃

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

The element of earth is inescapable. We see it in the very walls of our houses and touch it nearly every moment we exist on this plane. Even astronauts are not far from this element when they are circling the stratosphere. Earth as an element is tangible and you can dig your hands and toes into it. Working with earth can look like walking on a sandy beach, gardening in your backyard, or cooking up a meal for your family.

The term grounding comes to mind when working with the element. It do you say... down to earth? Puns aside, we are made up of earth in a very real way. Like Mufasa said in The Lion King:

"When we die, our bodies become the grass"

Knowing what earth is, and working with the energy of earth purposefully are two very different things. I strongly believe that we work with all of the elements, both known and unknown, unintentionally every day. Our very existence is already intricately tied into the universe in such a way that it is impossible to disconnect or unravel us from it. The trick is learning how to work with them to improve our quality of life.

It is good to remember that earth can be a destructive force as well. The earth can quake beneath our feet, or tumble down from high peaks. The ground can be full of nutrients, or full of toxins. Volcanos erupt and create new islands, and destroy at the same time. It is a good reminder that sometimes to build something new, you must destroy what is currently there. Balance is the word to keep in mind.


Further down I have a list of information about this element - so if you want to "skip to the recipe" click here.

I personally live by the motto that there is no wrong way to work with the energies around you. There may be a time that is wrong for ME and a way that does not work for ME - but that does not mean that it is wrong for YOU. While I do have a list of what most sources associate with this energy, I want to be very clear that you shouldn't limit yourself based on someone's interpretation.

I'll say it until my last breath - if your intuition guides you to go in a direction that is not with the "status quo" then do that. Just be safe, don't consume things that are clearly understood to be bad for you. I believe that when it comes to energetic workings, there is no one size fits all answer. It's just not possible in this vast universe of stuff to assume that energetic workings are going to be set in stone.

When I am working with the energy of earth, I am asking for calm. I use the imagery, smells, taste, and touch of the earth to help ease my anxiety. I will meditate and imagine my soul-self sinking into the depths of the earth to absorb the much needed minerals that the soil has to provide. On that note - take your vitamins if you have them.

Earth to me is the element to call when you want to bring out the big NO. Some mantra's I use to evoke this element are:

  1. My resolve on the matter is as solid as stone

  2. I walk on solid earth with this thought process

  3. I am as flexible as a worm working its way through soil (worms are adorable)

  4. I am green, so I am growing

I struggle deeply with imposter syndrome and the inability to make decisions. I can be paralyzed in my day by someone simply asking me "are you sure?" after I expressed a preference. My brain goes solidly into "OH NO, I said the wrong answer" to something that has no right or wrong answer. I use the first two mantra's to help me work through these issues. If its a no, it is a no. I am not going to worry about borrowing trouble from the future - I am grounded in my process.

When plans change unexpectedly, and my anxiety goes through the roof faced with the unknown, I use the third mantra. Things happen, the plan does not always pan out the way we want it to. That has to be OK. I don't have to like it, but I have to learn how to navigate those situations without a breakdown.

Finally - if you read my post Consistently Curious- you will recognize the fourth mantra. I use this a lot when I fail. Failure is the precursor to success - not the opposite of it. Even I need reminding of that.

Things To Do

I already have some recipe's posted that use the energy of earth in the most high level of ways:

I'm sure more will appear eventually on this site. But I want to remind you that intention behind something is far more powerful than having "the right correspondence". You can make your morning coffee (working with water) and still connect it to earth energy. There are herbs and coffee beans involved - and they are of the soil. There is no hard and fast line that separates the elements. They are too enmeshed (as we are) to fully be separated. Your intention, and attention, to the element you wish to call is what will make it stand out in the spell or action you are taking.

You can go outside and stomp your feet to connect to the earth element. Hug a tree or have a conversation with a flower. Sit and meditate with Happy Places, or simply imagine your energy flowing down into the earth, and back up into you. Petting an animal (preferably a friendly one that is also a pet) can be a very grounding experience. Touch something. Hold someone. Make a meal. Eat something. Hug yourself. We are made of all the elements; you can't go wrong.

There is a reason that many rituals end in cakes and ale. Eating and drinking helps to bring you back into your earthly body. Any time you consume food and beverage it is grounding. WHAT you consume can influence how grounding it is. Ingesting items that alter your state of mind will not always have the grounding effect you may want or need. That being said, sometimes it is EXACTLY what you need. Be careful - keep notes on how foods and drinks impact your mind, body, and soul.

Everyday you are already working with the elemental energies around you. Witchcraft is learning how to do it with a purpose. Directing those forces in a way that enriches your life and the lives of those around you. It should be fun, fulfilling, and fantastical. If you are stressing about using the right element at the right time, you are taking it way to seriously. Breathe deep, take a step back, and remember - you are important and you've got this.

The Nitty Gritty

Here are the associations I was able to find that are most commonly "agreed" upon. I have a list of all of my sources at the bottom of this post under the expandable "References" section. I strongly encourage you to check out the source materials as they are not only interesting, but wonderful reads.

  • Compass Direction: North

  • Calling Quarter: First quarter called

  • Color Associations: Greens, browns

  • Symbol: Downward triangle crossed by a line : 🜃

  • Representations: Sand, soil, crystals, herbs, sticks, bones, animal representations

  • Correspondences: Grounding, protection, home, prosperity, blessings

  • Areas of Influence / Energy signature: Fertility, stability, hard work, resiliency, family, jobs, health, sensuality

  • Uses: Recovery/healing, finding answers to questions, gaining knowledge, creating and shielding. Dirt from around your house can go into witches bottles.

  • Tarot Suit: Pentacles

  • Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

  • Body Representation: Bones

  • Season: Winter

  • Some Herbs Associated:

    • Amaranth

    • Cypress

    • Damiana

    • Wormwood

    • Patchouli

    • Rye

    • Myrrh

    • Oak moss

(This Herb list is NOT comprehensive - just a few of the favorites I found in the three books I was using)

The Elements:

Earth 🜃 <-- You are here

Water 🜄

Spirit 🝈


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