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Elements Series - Spirit šŸˆ

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

This may be the hardest element to write about. I certainly have had to dive deep into myself to truly define what spirit means to me. The word itself can describe Halloween ghosts, wild horses, and what cheerleaders invoke for their schools/teams. Each religion or spiritual path also has its own idea or definition of what the spirit element is. Some call it the soul while others call it life force energy. To pin down and follow just one definition seems daunting and reductive.

I personally believe that we are all just the universe experiencing itself in different ways. We come into existence, learn what there is to learn, then go back into being what we have always been; the universe itself.

Quantum mechanics teaches us that energy does not die. It can transform, change, morph, and move into a new state - but the energy itself is still there. This theory in physics illustrates on a scientific level, the interconnectedness of our universe. While I will never claim to be a physicist, I was very excited to hear that quantum entanglement was now a provable theory. The three folks who did so won a Nobel prize in 2022 for their discovery. You can read more about it here but the long and short of what they discovered aligns with what witches have known for centuries:

"One key factor in this development is how quantum mechanics allows two or more particles to exist in what is called an entangled state. What happens to one of the particles in an entangled pair determines what happens to the other particle, even if they are far apart."

What happens in one place can have a direct and meaningful impact on another. This can happen across time or physical distance. This means when we set an intention or utilize our spiritual energy to influence a situation, it has a tangible impact at the subatomic level. This is at least how I understand it and that's pretty fricken cool y'all.

The science community knows this as entanglement. The witch community recognizes it as being spiritually connected to the world around us. The words and the applications may be different, but the backbone is the same. Everything, everywhere, all at once is connected. Period. That means you too.

Working This Energy

So now that we had the science talk - we can focus on the more intangible part of this element. How does one actually tap in and work with the spirit on a daily basis? And honestly, there is never going to be a one size fits all answer. The way you connect with your spirit energy will likely NEVER look like the way someone else connects. Even a room full of people following the same meditation will experience something different. It aligns with the idea of colors.

I know what I see as the color blue, but I have no way of jumping into your head to determine if what you see when you look at blue matches what I see. We may very well be looking at two different colors as our brain interprets them - but we simply call it the same thing as that is what we were taught in school. Wild.

Spirit is that driving spark that makes you a person. It's that energy you feel when walking into a sacred space. That chill up your spine when something feels off. It is so closely aligned with your underlying instincts that it's hard to determine if your body caught onto the movement in the corner first, or if your spirit did.

For those who channel, spirit is the line that helps them communicate with their guides, ancestors, or energies in a space. Reiki practitioners learn to use their spirit energy to turn themselves into an energy gate to connect up to the universe, pull energy down through their chakras, and push it into those they are working on. Your spirit is what creates and maintains your aura. It is what lasts even after we shed this mortal coil. It is you, and more than you, all at once. Indescribable. Ineffable. But there.

This is why it is the 5th element that connects all others. It is the ley lines and the overarching "thing" that keeps everything moving and grooving. When I go for walks outside I will hover my hand over a tree and attempt to reach out and connect with its energy. If I'm having a bad day I will imagine the sun burning the negativity off of my skin. If I'm feeling uneasy I will breathe positive energy into my lungs. If I need a cleanse I'll drink down some water or restart my day with a shower. The acts themselves all connect with the more tangible elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water - but the ability to connect to them is Spirit itself. Spirit is connection.

Things to Consider

Now that we know that spirit is energy and connection, here are a few hot tips to get you through the day.


It is OK to have a crappy day. It happens to all of us, as we are in fact human. However, taking that bad day out on others is never acceptable. Most of the time we discuss this as a behavioral or communication issue. But we are witches - so we also need to factor in our spirit. Our energy can lash out just as our words can. We can become energy vampires on accident and can lash out at those around us on the spectral plane. This is why it is usually recommended to never do spell-craft when angry or upset.

But more than that - be aware of what "vibes" you are putting out into the universe. I like to yell out " I'M JUST VENTING - THIS ENERGY GOES NOWHERE" when I'm hopping mad and thinking negatively about someone or a situation. Otherwise people around me, or individuals I'm mad at, start having a REALLY rough time...... whoops.


You are not required to send energy to people just because they are having it rough. I know, I know, we are good people and we like to help. You cannot pour from an empty cup - and compassion fatigue is a thing. You are never obligated to lend your spirit to support those you care about. Sometimes the best thing you can do is stay out of it. I mean it - let them figure it out energetically as it is not your job to do it for them.

Focus on what you actually have the time and energy to do - otherwise you will be spread too thin and will start to become exhausted. And we all know an exhausted witch is a cranky witch. I try to pick 2-3 things at a time that I'm going to really care about in this sense. If a 4th thing comes up - I re-evaluate. That is the max I can carry without my knees giving out.


If you find yourself struggling to connect with your own spiritual energy, stop trying. I often find that when I'm "trying" to connect with my spirit energy I am in fact blocking myself. It's always there ready to go - but when I put too much pressure on myself I slam the door in my own face. Relax into it and surrender.

Spirit cannot be controlled - it can only be directed. You can work with it and learn how it flows, but you don't get to have a monopoly on exactly what goes on. That leads to some interesting and borderline disastrously hilarious results. Setting intentions and letting the energy do what it needs to make things come about is infinitely more successful than setting an intention and micromanaging how things are going to play out. You will just set yourself up for disappointment if you do that.

As a person who despises not being in control, this was the hardest lesson I had to learn. The difference between a specific intention and a micromanagement of application, seems at first to be minimal. Once you get the hang of it you realize the difference is night and Pluto.

The Nitty Gritty

Here are the associations I was able to find that are most commonly "agreed" upon. I have a list of all of my sources at the bottom of this post under the expandable "References" section. I strongly encourage you to check out the source materials as they are not only interesting, but wonderful reads.

  • Compass Direction: Center

  • Calling Quarter: N/A

  • Color Associations: Violet, purple

  • Symbol: A capital R with a line on top šŸˆ

  • Representations: Everyone has a different answer for this one - most state to use your intuition to divine for yourself. I personally use owl imagery, a friend uses a spirit quartz, another just uses themselves.

  • Correspondences: Spiritual enhancement, contacting spirits/deity/the divine

  • Areas of Influence / Energy signature: Witchcraft, connection, psychic abilities, spirit realm/beyond the veil, the universe, magic as a whole

  • Uses: Pentacles as symbols or arrangements, draw or trace a pentacle or a circle in oil, this is what connects everything together

  • Tarot Suit: N/A - the card reader is the spirit element

  • Body Representation: Personhood (the personality, the individual, the soul driving the meat suit)

(This Herb list is NOT comprehensive - just a few of the favorites I found in the three books I was using)

The Elements:

Fire šŸœ‚

Water šŸœ„

Spirit šŸˆ <-- You are here


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