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Return to Sender

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Do you ever sense energy that is not yours lingering around your home, car, office space, or self? If so you will find that usually the energy becomes noticeable when it becomes problematic. It could be intentional (think evil eye) or unintentional (your co-worker does not realize how their recent funk is affecting others). What is very clear in any of these situations is that you don't want that energy and would like it to leave.

This is when a return to sender spell, incantation or intention comes in real handy. It helps you hand that person their energy back, thus allowing them to keep their problems to themselves. This is especially good for those who are sensitive to others emotions and tend to take on external energy as their own.

In most cases it is very rare for someone to intentionally cast magic to cause harm to others. Curses and Hexes do happen, but that is a lot of energy to put towards someone you could just block, ignore, avoid, or yell at. That beings said not so nice people exist. Narcissists, overly entitled individuals ( or "Karen's"), family members with sketchy political/religious views, and nosey neighbors are all more likely culprits for icky energy coming our way.

How to send it back

There are many different options and paths you can take to send someone back what they've been putting out. This can be both a good thing (think recalling ones power), and a bad thing depending on the type of energy they are exuding (Hexes or negative thoughts towards you).

I like to be kind when I do these spells as I never know what the other person may be going through or if the energy exchange was on purpose in the first place or not. So approach with compassion in all things, and never be afraid to uphold a strong boundary. Below are a few options that require minimal energy/time.

Option 1 (Sender unknown):

My good friend Kari has a default go to when she is on the move and just wants to get someone's energy off her back - she sings a chunk of the chorus from the song " Return to Sender" by Elvis Presley along with the Outro. The lyrics read:

Return to sender Address unknown No such number No such zone Return to sender Return to sender

Not only does this help lift her mood through singing, but it sets the intention out into the universe that she wants the energy to go back to whomever sent it - even if she does not know who that person is directly. She sings it on repeat - or will play the song until she feels better. This is a joyful way to send the energy back and you can sub in ANY song that gives you that "No thank you, not for me" vibe.

Option 2 (Sender Known):

Say it out loud with me Kids:

I'm rubber, you're glue, Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!

This is the basic structure of this option. You can change the words a bit to make it more specific - but the point is to manage your energy to not allow theirs in. A variation may look like:

Hey {Name}! I'm rubber, you're glue, Whatever negativity you send bounces off of me and sticks back to you!

You can say this while lighting a candle, burning herbs, looking in a mirror, or dancing around your kitchen. This can be muttered under your breath in an office meeting or while driving home from work. The only tool needed is yourself and the willingness to be a bit silly.

Option 3 (Live and in person):

Like many Americans I have worked in customer service for the entirety of my working life. It is draining, underpaid, over worked, and just plain stressful. The amount of entitlement and rudeness I've faced in my career is astronomical - and I'm just one person.

The need to work around corporate policies is an added stressor to the whole situation and you can't always sing songs or say childish phrases when faced with an angry customer.

However, you may be able to work this in or say this to yourself during or after those confrontations:

I do not accept that energy

Bonus points if you can say it while handing them back their receipt or while they are being removed from the store by security.....

Additional info:

As always - be kind to yourself. Try not to make mountains out of mole hills - sometimes that co-worker is just lost in their own world and did not even notice you. The energy funk they are in is impacting you, but is not directed AT you. That family member may just need a hobby that does not involve gossiping about you.

It's important to manage the energy around you, but avoid allowing paranoia to set in. If you truly feel like someone is out to get you or you don't feel safe- please ask for help. Talk to a therapist or connect with someone you trust to ensure you are safe and healthy. You matter, you are important. Never forget that.




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