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What can you do with Tuesday?

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

My personal practice involves the Norse Pantheon deities. There are many pantheons and many deities that align with certain days and times and I encourage everyone to do that research when they have the energy.

That being said, I deep dived into the days of the week last year and developed my interpretation of how I can honor the deities that hold dominion over that day of the week. Not only does this help me feel like I'm "Doing the Thing" every day - but it took the mental load of "remembering" off of me in the moment and allowed me to make a fancy chart.

So here- we will deep dive into Tuesday and how I show gratitude to my spirit team:

Day - English

Day - Norse



​Tirsdag (teesh-dahg)

Tyr - God of Justice / War

How does Tyr help us?

Tyr is a very powerful entity. He stands for justice and doing what is right because it is necessary. Tyr is a valuable source of wisdom and a good leader in what the right path to take is. Upholding the law he also provides you the courage to do difficult things. He was one of the very first oath breakers - but he did so for the greater good and paid the price. Accountability follow this deity.

What I do:

I use tealights in my daily practice. I have two cute deer shaped tea light holders that have 4 spaces each for a candle on their antlers. One is for Monday - Wednesday - and the other is for Thursday - Sunday (Saturday has no candle).

When I have the mental space, I will pre-prep my candles on a Saturday by carving the rune of the day into their wax. It's not always pretty but its there so I can see it. Some weeks I don't have the time or energy to do that so I simply say the name of the rune when I light the tealight in the morning.

Tuesdays are a day that I celebrate with my son. He is 11 and really resonates with Tyr as a patron. His Autism leads him to liking rules, law, order, structure and all things that lead to consistency so it makes sense that he finds common ground with Tyr. Also, the imagery that follows this deity is just plain cool. When we have the mental fortitude a dark red candle, mustard seeds and agate find their way onto the alter and we will set an intention for the remainder of the week. We will even sometimes tie our intention into a knotted cord (Knot magic and macramé anyone?)

I have set up my honoring on a scale - Low energy days - I light the tea candle and am happy with my ability to do just that! High energy days - I may go ALL out and check off all the things on my list. Days that land in the middle of my energy spectrum will be some kind of variation of this.

Below I have included what I learned from my research on Tyr and that which corresponds not only to this entity but also just to the day of the week in and of itself. Use what works and leave what doesn't - but always be kind to yourself.


  • Swords , Daggers

  • Wolves

  • Oath rings

For those who work with Tarot you can connect with Tyr using the Justice Tarot Card

For those who work with Runes - Tiwaz (which is another name Tyr is known by)

Colors for the day:

Dark red, Steel Grey

For my crystal pals:
  • Agate

  • Diamond

  • Tiger Iron

  • Magnetite

  • Rutilated quartz

  • Sapphire

  • Or that really cool rock you found outside and went "This looks like a rock for Tuesday"

For those who connect to Deity via consumables:
  • Alcohol- Mead, beer, wine - etc.

  • Honey

  • Bread

  • Meat

Alternative Offerings
  • Weapons or tools you use on a regular basis (kept in good working order)

  • Knotted cords with oaths tied in

  • Holly

  • Mustard seeds

Ways to Honor through Action:

Care for your tools/weapons. This can mean sharpening a kitchen knife, cleaning the vacuum cleaner, or re-organizing your tool box. Show that you respect and care for the tools that help you accomplish your tasks. You can also train with weapons or learn a martial art - really any kind of exercise counts here. Bonus points if you can find someone to advocate for (stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves)

Also- remember your mind is a tool as well- so reading or doing anything that requires you to sharpen your intellect is a good way to honor Tyr as well.

Things not to do (Not that you would anyway):

Lie. Don't be an oath breaker unless there is no other alternative. And if you do - be accountable and strive to do better. Don't make and break small commitments frequently either - little lies add up too.

Don't disrespect your tools by letting them get rusty or stay dirty - and avoid dishonorable behavior. No one likes to be Gaslit, and no one likes to be lied to - so don't do it.

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